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"Прошу совета по установке isc-dhcpd-3.1.0a3 на FreeBSD 6.2"
Отправлено hate, 23-Май-08 15:30 
>>>У кого был опыт установки isc-dhpcd-3.1.0a3 на FreeBSD 6.2 прошу поделится опытом

Current Version: 3.1.1 Released May 14, 2008

Version 3.1.x of the ISC DHCP Distribution includes the following major new features compared to its 3.0.x derivative:
A significantly enhanced Failover protocol implementation, which:
Implements MAC Address Affinity to reduce the frequency of clients being assigned new IP addresses;
Supports the assignment of failover-protected addresses to legacy BOOTP clients;
Implements a dynamic lease reservation system that provides improved accounting of the use of fixed address assignments, by allocating fixed addresses out of the pool of dynamic leases; and
Further improves tools and reduces operator oversight necessary for maintaining a functioning system.
Support for DHCP Leasequery, and the VIVCO/VIVSO options, which makes easy and comfortable integration with DOCSIS devices and the environment in which they are used.
Management of class and subclass statements via OMAPI.
Several server configuration options related to dynamic DNS behavior
Other new configuration functions, including "execute()", which runs a shell command from within a dhcpd or dhclient configuration file

For a full list of new features added in this release, please observe the changes list directly following this section.

The release is located at

For information on how to install, configure and run this software, as well as how to find documentation and report bugs, please consult the README file.

The Dynamic DNS Update support is a descendent of an implementation done by Lans Carstensen and Brian Dols at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Jim Watt at Perkin-Elmer, Irina Goble at Integrated Measurement Systems, and Brian Murrell at BC Tel Advanced Communications. I'd like to express my thanks to all of these good people here, both for working on the code and for prodding me into improving it.


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