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"Загрузка CPU"
Отправлено TrEK, 18-Июн-08 22:02 
>[оверквотинг удален]
>>>>  0 suppressed verification drops
>>>А на остальных интерфейсах как?
>>Сегодня внезапно было два ребута циски.. хотя ее загруженость была на 50
>>и на 70 % во время перегагрузки... и загруженость канала была
>На баг похоже
>крешдамп есть?

Баг? вот блин...
Сейчас циске вообще плохо.. загрузка стабильно 100%... пинг с компьютеров пропадает на нее.. и очень большие задержки , вместо "<1мс"

НАТ вроде бы не грузит:

TTAS5350#sh ip nat st
Total active translations: 4420 (0 static, 4420 dynamic; 4420 extended)
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
  Async1/00, Async1/01, Async1/02, Async1/03, Async1/04, Async1/05, Async1/06
  Async1/07, Async1/08, Async1/09, Async1/10, Async1/11, Async1/12, Async1/13
  Async1/14, Async1/15, Async1/16, Async1/17, Async1/18, Async1/19, Async1/20
  Async1/21, Async1/22, Async1/23, Async1/24, Async1/25, Async1/26, Async1/27
  Async1/28, Async1/29, FastEthernet0/0, Group-Async1
Hits: 114412910  Misses: 2615304
Expired translations: 2612193
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
[Id: 1] access-list NAT pool NEW refcount 4412
pool NEW: netmask
        start end
        type generic, total addresses 1, allocated 1 (100%), misses 0
[Id: 2] access-list NAT2 pool DIAL refcount 6
pool DIAL: netmask
        start end
        type match-host, total addresses 1, allocated 1 (100%), misses 30

  раньше доходило и до 12000 сессий, и в тот момент ЦПУ было нормальное (около 50%)
загрузка канала щас наполовину, вот показания внешнего интерфейса:

TTAS5350#sh int fa 0/1
FastEthernet0/1 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is Fast Ethernet, address is 0012.0048.f2f7 (bia 0012.0048.f2f7)
  Description: to Polyteh
  Internet address is
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 8/255, rxload 18/255
  Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
  Keepalive set (10 sec)
  Full-duplex, 100Mb/s, 100BaseTX/FX
  ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  Input queue: 56/4096/0/129171 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 49312
  Queueing strategy: fifo
  Output queue: 0/4096 (size/max)
  5 minute input rate 7324000 bits/sec, 2995 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 3425000 bits/sec, 2769 packets/sec
     225799623 packets input, 978938930 bytes
     Received 3039 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     46 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
     0 watchdog
     0 input packets with dribble condition detected
     204848398 packets output, 705547838 bytes, 0 underruns
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 3 interface resets
     0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
     0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

TTAS5350#sh ip traffic
IP statistics:
  Rcvd:  300128679 total, 451505 local destination
         0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 1170897 bad hop count
         0 unknown protocol, 63 not a gateway
         0 security failures, 0 bad options, 425 with options
  Opts:  0 end, 0 nop, 0 basic security, 0 loose source route
         0 timestamp, 0 extended security, 0 record route
         0 stream ID, 0 strict source route, 425 alert, 0 cipso, 0 ump
         0 other
  Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 couldn't reassemble
         0 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment
  Bcast: 1024 received, 0 sent
  Mcast: 0 received, 0 sent
  Sent:  1212813 generated, 286554876 forwarded
  Drop:  23 encapsulation failed, 0 unresolved, 0 no adjacency
         404804 no route, 53908 unicast RPF, 0 forced drop
  Drop:  0 packets with source IP address zero

ICMP statistics:
  Rcvd: 0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 redirects, 1437 unreachable
        63832 echo, 0 echo reply, 0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench
        0 parameter, 0 timestamp, 0 info request, 0 other
        0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements
  Sent: 0 redirects, 0 unreachable, 0 echo, 63832 echo reply
        0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench, 0 timestamp
        0 info reply, 1168873 time exceeded, 0 parameter problem
        0 irdp solicitations, 0 irdp advertisements

UDP statistics:
  Rcvd: 49049 total, 0 checksum errors, 589 no port
  Sent: 54446 total, 0 forwarded broadcasts

TCP statistics:
  Rcvd: 8118 total, 0 checksum errors, 2 no port
  Sent: 7623 total

BGP statistics:
  Rcvd: 1551 total, 2 opens, 0 notifications, 2 updates
        1547 keepalives, 0 route-refresh, 0 unrecognized
  Sent: 1555 total, 2 opens, 1 notifications, 2 updates
        1550 keepalives, 0 route-refresh

OSPF statistics:
  Rcvd: 0 total, 0 checksum errors
        0 hello, 0 database desc, 0 link state req
        0 link state updates, 0 link state acks

  Sent: 0 total

IP-EIGRP statistics:
  Rcvd: 0 total
  Sent: 0 total

PIMv2 statistics: Sent/Received
  Total: 0/0, 0 checksum errors, 0 format errors
  Registers: 0/0, Register Stops: 0/0,  Hellos: 0/0
  Join/Prunes: 0/0, Asserts: 0/0, grafts: 0/0
  Bootstraps: 0/0, Candidate_RP_Advertisements: 0/0
  Queue drops: 0
  State-Refresh: 0/0

IGMP statistics: Sent/Received
  Total: 0/0, Format errors: 0/0, Checksum errors: 0/0
  Host Queries: 0/0, Host Reports: 0/0, Host Leaves: 0/0
  DVMRP: 0/0, PIM: 0/0
  Queue drops: 0

ARP statistics:
  Rcvd: 7 requests, 9 replies, 0 reverse, 0 other
  Sent: 9 requests, 529 replies (0 proxy), 0 reverse


TTAS5350#sh traffic-shape statistics | inc yes
Fa0/0              2026 16    3252625   3488100729 2904439   3406462780 yes
Fa0/0              2045 69    663243    864240471 236503    337588375 yes
Fa0/0              2054 0     3170791   3074688339 2141575   2400700952 yes
Fa0/0              2074 56    4445515   665404884 4331073   541394130 yes
Fa0/1                29 34    7549300   1705311329 7436800   1609345376 yes

Вообще не пойму, что ее так напрягает..

а можно узнать, что за крешдамп?


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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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