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Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15, opennews (??), 14-Янв-17, (0) [смотреть все] +1

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198. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 20-Янв-17, 07:46 
> New Thread on 4chan:

btw, issue #14 can be fixed with TWEAK_LOGDOC_LOAD_IMAGES_FROM_PARSER  NO

«click to activate» has tweak too.

features and tweaks are (deliberately) machine-readable, so it is not that hard to write a GUI for feature selector and tweaker. but don't lay too much hopes on that: desktop opera rarely checks for feature/tweak availability, and may not work right (for example, turning off browser.js support leads to crashes when there are any extensions) or not compile at all.

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201. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 20-Янв-17, 20:49 
How do I implement the change that is mentioned to fix that issue?
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202. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 21-Янв-17, 01:34 
> How do I implement the change that is mentioned to fix that
> issue?

'cmon, you (as a group) HAVE to be familiar with features/tweaks system already! at least you should be able to tweak your builds. either that, or i won't give a dime for your «project» (and, of course, i will not waste my time trying to improve something that is nothing more than random collection of random patches, without any understanding of underlying project).

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204. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 21-Янв-17, 01:50 
I'm not a developer. I was asking so I can pass the information over to one who is.
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205. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 21-Янв-17, 01:57 
> I'm not a developer. I was asking so I can pass the
> information over to one who is.

just pass the tweak name i provided. that should be enough for developers. i wonder why nobody bothered to study available tweaks, but ok, there are more than 1800 of them, i wasted several days reading and trying.

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206. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 21-Янв-17, 01:59 
>> I'm not a developer. I was asking so I can pass the
>> information over to one who is.
> just pass the tweak name i provided. that should be enough for
> developers. i wonder why nobody bothered to study available tweaks, but
> ok, there are more than 1800 of them, i wasted several
> days reading and trying.

Ok. I have done that earlier on. Now to wait for a patch to be made.

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207. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 21-Янв-17, 02:22 
> Ok. I have done that earlier on. Now to wait for a
> patch to be made.

i don't think that it worth a hardcoded patch. this is something user have to decide for himself, i believe, so that tweak goes to «local-tweaks.h», which is not in repo for obvious reasons. loading images from parser leads to faster page loading times, so some users may want to leave it as is.

sadly, there is currently no way to configure this in runtime. adding such preference may be a good task for someone interested: it doesn't require alot of arcane knowledge about the engine, just some copypasta work, some conditions, and some more code in prefs system.

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208. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 21-Янв-17, 02:49 
also note that turning on canvas support will force loading images from parser, so this will need either patching, or adding another pref.
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209. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 21-Янв-17, 03:19 
> Ok. I have done that earlier on. Now to wait for a
> patch to be made.

enjoy, and happy hacking!

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