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Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15, opennews (??), 14-Янв-17, (0) [смотреть все] +1

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220. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 22-Янв-17, 08:11 
What about a way to disable the blue coloring of the title in a tab that shows when the page has fully loaded?
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221. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 22-Янв-17, 08:24 
> What about a way to disable the blue coloring of the title
> in a tab that shows when the page has fully loaded?

afair, this is easily fixed with skins. at least my non-default skin has a different color for that. except for some corner cases, almost everything in quick (opera UI toolkit) can be changed with skin setting.

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222. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 22-Янв-17, 11:00 
>> What about a way to disable the blue coloring of the title
>> in a tab that shows when the page has fully loaded?
> afair, this is easily fixed with skins. at least my non-default skin
> has a different color for that. except for some corner cases,
> almost everything in quick (opera UI toolkit) can be changed with
> skin setting.

Do you know what setting I should change in the skin.ini in order to remove it?

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223. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от arisu (ok), 22-Янв-17, 11:20 
> Do you know what setting I should change in the skin.ini in
> order to remove it?

nope, sorry. but you can turn on opera:config#UserPrefs|DebugSkin and then holding ctrl and hovering mouse cursor over any UI item will show a tooltip with skin info for that item. you may try parent item if shown one doesn't work. use «Text Color = #rrggbb» in skin.ini to change it.

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224. "Утечка исходных текстов браузера Opera 12.15"  +/
Сообщение от Zero3Kemail (?), 22-Янв-17, 12:21 
>>> What about a way to disable the blue coloring of the title
>>> in a tab that shows when the page has fully loaded?
>> afair, this is easily fixed with skins. at least my non-default skin
>> has a different color for that. except for some corner cases,
>> almost everything in quick (opera UI toolkit) can be changed with
>> skin setting.
> Do you know what setting I should change in the skin.ini in
> order to remove it?

I learned of the settings to change thanks to

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