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Доступен открытый мобильный телефон с дисковым набором, opennews (??), 19-Фев-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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27. "Доступен открытый мобильный телефон с дисковым набором"  +1 +/
Сообщение от анон (?), 19-Фев-20, 14:24 
С вики:
These letters have been used for multiple purposes. Originally, they referred to the leading letters of telephone exchange names. In the mid-20th century United States, before the switch to All-Number Calling, telephone numbers had seven digits including a two-digit prefix which was expressed in letters rather than digits, e.g.; KL5-5445. The UK telephone numbering system used a similar two-letter code after the initial zero to form the first part of the subscriber trunk dialling code for a region. For example, Aylesbury was assigned 0AY6, which translated into 0296.

The letters have also been used, mainly in the United States, as a technique for remembering telephone numbers easily. For example, an interior decorator might license the telephone number 1-800-724-6837, but advertise it as the more memorable phoneword 1-800-PAINTER. Sometimes businesses advertise a number with a mnemonic word having more letters than there are digits in the phone number. Usually, this means that the caller just stops dialing at 7 digits after the area code or that the extra digits are ignored by the central office.

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93. "Доступен открытый мобильный телефон с дисковым набором"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (21), 19-Фев-20, 17:19 
Да я-то знаю зачем они, а аноним #18 не знает.
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