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"GTK 4 ожидается осенью следующего года"
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. "GTK 4 ожидается осенью следующего года" +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 03-Сен-19, 00:11 

Оригинал "лучше":
*поискал в архиве*
> From: Allan Day <allanpday gmail com>  [designer working for Red Hat ... GNOME UX design and marketing. прим. Анонима]
> Facilitating the unrestricted use of extensions and themes by end users
> seems contrary to the central tenets of the GNOME 3 design. We've fought
> long and hard to give GNOME 3 a consistent visual appearance, to make it
> synonymous with a single user experience and to ensure that that
> experience is of a consistently high quality. A general purpose
> extensions and themes distribution system seems to threaten much of that.

> I'm particularly surprised by the inclusion of themes. It seems bizarre
> that we specifically designed the GNOME 3 control center not to include
> theme installation/selection and then to reintroduce that very same
> functionality via extensions.
> From: William Jon McCann <william jon mccann gmail com> [A member of the Red Hat Desktop Team. Currently acting as user experience design shepherd for GNOME 3. прим. Анонима]
> I agree with Allan. I am really concerned about this effort to encourage and sanction themes and extensions.

От McCann еще "перлы" были:
> Don't use a notification area icon in GNOME 3
> Reported by:    mccann [да-да, это его багрепорт. прим. Анонима]

[...] ответ авторов:
> Removing it altogether, as you suggest, will hurt XFCE users.

> I guess you have to decide if you are a GNOME app, an Ubuntu app, or an XFCE app unfortunately.
> I'm sorry that this is the case but it wasn't GNOME's fault that Ubuntu has started this fork.
> And I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.

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GTK 4 ожидается осенью следующего года, opennews, 02-Сен-19, 12:51  [смотреть все]
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