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"Уязвимости в ядре Linux, затрагивающие реализации VSOCK, Futex и io_uring"
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. "Уязвимости в ядре Linux, затрагивающие реализации VSOCK, Fut..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (125), 08-Фев-21, 07:44 
В UNIX гарантия безопасности идёт от среды исполнения - ядра OS и процессора, а не от компилятора. Хоть компилятор для безопасности тоже очень важен и много делает.

Ознакомься с этим:

Attack Surface Reduction

The most fundamental defense against security exploits is to reduce the areas of the kernel that can be used to redirect execution. This ranges from limiting the exposed APIs available to userspace, making in-kernel APIs hard to use incorrectly, minimizing the areas of writable kernel memory, etc.

Strict kernel memory permissions

When all of kernel memory is writable, it becomes trivial for attacks to redirect execution flow. To reduce the availability of these targets the kernel needs to protect its memory with a tight set of permissions.

Executable code and read-only data must not be writable

Any areas of the kernel with executable memory must not be writable. While this obviously includes the kernel text itself, we must consider all additional places too: kernel modules, JIT memory, etc. (There are temporary exceptions to this rule to support things like instruction alternatives, breakpoints, kprobes, etc. If these must exist in a kernel, they are implemented in a way where the memory is temporarily made writable during the update, and then returned to the original

In support of this are ``CONFIG_STRICT_KERNEL_RWX`` and
``CONFIG_STRICT_MODULE_RWX``, which seek to make sure that code is not writable, data is not executable, and read-only data is neither writable nor executable.

Most architectures have these options on by default and not user selectable. For some architectures like arm that wish to have these be selectable, the architecture Kconfig can select ARCH_OPTIONAL_KERNEL_RWX to enable a Kconfig prompt. ``CONFIG_ARCH_OPTIONAL_KERNEL_RWX_DEFAULT`` determines the default setting when ARCH_OPTIONAL_KERNEL_RWX is enabled.

Function pointers and sensitive variables must not be writable

Vast areas of kernel memory contain function pointers that are looked up by the kernel and used to continue execution (e.g. descriptor/vector tables, file/network/etc operation structures, etc). The number of these variables must be reduced to an absolute minimum.

Many such variables can be made read-only by setting them "const"
so that they live in the .rodata section instead of the .data section of the kernel, gaining the protection of the kernel's strict memory permissions as described above.

For variables that are initialized once at ``__init`` time, these can be marked with the (new and under development) ``__ro_after_init`` attribute.

What remains are variables that are updated rarely (e.g. GDT). These will need another infrastructure (similar to the temporary exceptions made to kernel code mentioned above) that allow them to spend the rest of their lifetime read-only. (For example, when being updated, only the CPU thread performing the update would be given uninterruptible write access to the memory.)

Memory integrity

There are many memory structures in the kernel that are regularly abused to gain execution control during an attack, By far the most commonly understood is that of the stack buffer overflow in which the return address stored on the stack is overwritten. Many other examples of this kind of attack exist, and protections exist to defend against them.

Stack buffer overflow

The classic stack buffer overflow involves writing past the expected end of a variable stored on the stack, ultimately writing a controlled value to the stack frame's stored return address. The most widely used defense is the presence of a stack canary between the stack variables and the return address (``CONFIG_STACKPROTECTOR``), which is verified just before the function returns. Other defenses include things like shadow stacks.

Stack depth overflow

A less well understood attack is using a bug that triggers the
kernel to consume stack memory with deep function calls or large stack allocations. With this attack it is possible to write beyond the end of the kernel's preallocated stack space and into sensitive structures. Two important changes need to be made for better protections: moving the sensitive thread_info structure elsewhere, and adding a faulting memory hole at the bottom of the stack to catch these overflows.

Heap memory integrity

The structures used to track heap free lists can be sanity-checked during allocation and freeing to make sure they aren't being used to manipulate other memory areas.

Counter integrity

Many places in the kernel use atomic counters to track object references or perform similar lifetime management. When these counters can be made to wrap (over or under) this traditionally exposes a use-after-free flaw. By trapping atomic wrapping, this class of bug vanishes.

Size calculation overflow detection

Similar to counter overflow, integer overflows (usually size calculations) need to be detected at runtime to kill this class of bug, which traditionally leads to being able to write past the end of kernel buffers.

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Уязвимости в ядре Linux, затрагивающие реализации VSOCK, Futex и io_uring, opennews, 06-Фев-21, 20:12  [смотреть все]
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