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"Для операционной системы MINIX 3 портировали OSS"
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. "Для операционной системы MINIX 3 портировали OSS" –1 +/
Сообщение от rtfm (?), 15-Окт-09, 16:58 
А этого мало?

Minix Ports

    * ackpack
    * antiword-0.35 - a free MS Word document reader
    * apache-1.3.37 - The Apache HTTP Server v1.3.37
    * apr-0.9.12 - apache portable runtime library (gcc format)
    * apr-util-0.9.12 - apache portable runtime utils
    * ascii-3.8 - Interactive ASCII name and synonym chart
    * atk-1.9.0 - The ATK library.
    * autoconf-2.59 - Autoconf set of automatic configuration tools
    * autoconf-2.60 - Autoconf set of automatic configuration tools
    * automake-1.9 - gnu automake
    * avra-0.7 - Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
    * bash-3.0 - GNU bourne-again shell
    * bc-1.06 - Arbitrary-precision calculator
    * bchunk-1.2.0 - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
    * bcrypt-1.1 - Cross platform file encryption utility
    * binutils-2.16.1 - A collection of GNU binary tools
    * bison-2.1 - Parser generator (requires gnu m4 in m4 package)
    * bitlbee-1.0.3 - An IRC to other chat networks gateway
    * btyacc-3.0 - Backtracking parser generator based on byacc
    * catdoc-0.94.2 - view various file types such as ms word in text
    * cpio-2.5 - a program to manage archives of files
    * CSSC-1.0.1 - SCCS Version Control Software Clone
    * ctags-5.5.4 - build tag file indexes of source code definitions
    * cvs-1.11.21 - Concurrent versioning system
    * dact-0.8.39 - Multi-algorithm compression
    * db-4.4.20 - Berkeley DB - Open source developer database
    * diffstat-1.39 - Produces graph of changes introduced by a diff file
    * diffutils-2.8.1 - GNU diff and friends
    * dillo-2.1.2b
    * dungeon-2.7.1 - Text adventure dungeon exploration game
    * ede-1.1 - Equinox Desktop Environment 1.1 (needs EFLTK)
    * efltk-2.0.6 - EFLTK - Extended Fast Light Toolkit 2.0.6
    * emacs-21.4 - The EMACS editor
    * exim-4.66 - Exim - MTA (overwrites aliases, sendmail, mailq)
    * fb - file browser
    * flawfinder-1.26 - Automatically finds security flaws in C programs
    * flex-2.5.4 - Lexical scanner generator
    * flip-1.19 - converts text file between MS-DOS and **IX format
    * fltk-1.1.7 - Fast+lightweight gui toolkit
    * fltk-2.0-r6525
    * fltk-2.0.0-5220 - Fast+lightweight gui toolkit
    * gawk-3.1.4 - GNU AWK
    * gcc-4.1.1 - GCC 4.1.1, C and C++ compilers
    * gcc-4.1.1-libs - Minix system libraries in GCC format.
    * gdbm-1.8.3 - GNU dbm, a library of database functions
    * gettext-0.14 - GNU multi-language interface library
    * ghostscript-8.54-gpl - Programs to render PostScript documents.
    * ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11 - fonts for ghostscript
    * glib-1.2.10 - GNU programming utility library (v1)
    * glib-2.10.0 - GNU programming utility library
    * gnu-coreutils-5.2.1 - Port of many basic GNU utilities
    * gnupg-1.4.8 - GnuPG - GNU project's complete and free implementation of OpenPGP.
    * grep-2.5.1a - gnu grep
    * groff-1.19.2 - groff typesetting system
    * gv-3.5.8 - graphical frontend for gs
    * gzip-1.2.4 - gzip file compressor/decompressor
    * gzip-beta-1.3.3 - gzip file compressor/decompressor
    * hexcat-0.0.3 - HEX dumping utility
    * ImageMagick-6.3.1 - ImageMagick - Convert/Edit/Compose Images
    * irssi-0.8.10 - irssi, a nice irc client
    * jikes-1.22 - A Java bytecode compiler.
    * john-1.7.2 - password cracker
    * jpeg-6b - The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
    * jwm-1.8 - JWM is a window manager for the X11 Window System
    * kermit-2.1.1 - terminal emulator
    * lcrack-20040914 - password cracker
    * less-3.8.5 - A pager like more
    * lesstif-0.93.96 - lesstif - A freeware version of Motif.
    * libiconv-1.9.1 - iconv() implementation - charset conversions
    * libmcrypt-2.5.7 - De-/Encryption library
    * libpng-1.2.8 - libpng is the official PNG reference library.
    * libungif-4.1.3 - this library for working GIF images
    * libxml2-2.6.28 - XML C parser and toolkit
    * links-2.1pre26 - advanced text-based www browser with X11 mode
    * lpr - port of bsd lpr/lpd.
    * lynx2-8-5 - text-based WWW browser
    * lzo-1.08 - LZO is a portable lossless data compression library
    * lzop-1.01 - fast compression program
    * m4-1.4.3 - preprocessor
    * make-3.80 - GNU make
    * mdf2iso - mdf to iso conversion utility
    * MPlayer-1.0rc1 - MPlayer - The Movie Player
    * mtools-3.9.7 - ms-dos filesystem compatability tools
    * mysql-5.0.41 - MySQL Relational Database 5.0.41 (Client Only)
    * nano-1.3.12 - 'compatible but enhanced' Pico clone
    * nasm-0.98.38 - flexible assembler, support for many output formats
    * nawk - New AWK
    * ncftp-3.1.9 - NcFTP, an nice fullscreen ftp client
    * ncsa_httpd_1.4
    * ncurses-5.5 - new curses library
    * nedit-5.5 - Notepad-style text editor for X
    * neon-0.25.5 - C library for webdav
    * nethack-3.4.3-2 - Nethack, the famous dungeon exploration game
    * netpbm-10.26.30 - toolkit for image manipulation and conversion
    * nomarch-1.3 - Unpacks .ARC and .ARK MS-DOS archives
    * nrg2iso-0.2 - Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files
    * nvi-1.79 - A new vi implementation
    * openssh-4.3p2 - openssh implementation of secure shell
    * openssl-0.9.8a - library of security algorithms and protocols
    * oss-v4.1-build1051-src-bsd - Open Sound System port - many audio drivers
    * patch-2.5.4 - GNU patch
    * pce-0.1.7 - An IBM PC Emulator - Boots and runs most DOS applications!
    * pcre-4.5 - perl compatible regular expressions
    * pdksh-5.2.14 - public domain implementation of ksh (korn shell)
    * perl-5.8.7 - perl interpreter
    * php-5.2.1 - PHP Hypertext PreProcessor 5.2.1
    * picasm112c - PIC assembler
    * pine-4.64 - Pine email and news system.
    * pkg-config-0.20 - pkg-config - package configuration management
    * PopTart-0.9.7 - pop client
    * postgresql-8.4.0 - Postgres RDBMS.
    * prng-3.0.2 - A library for the generation of pseudorandom numbers.
    * pscan-1.1 - scans C files for common bugs
    * pstotext-1.9 - ps to text converter
    * psutils - postscript manipulation utilities
    * python-2.4.3 - python interpreter
    * qemu-0.10.5 - Portable Virtual Machine Monitor
    * rcs-5.7 - RCS revision control system utilities
    * readline-5.1 - The GNU Readline Library
    * rman-3.2 - PolyglotMan Reverse compile man pages
    * robodoc-4.0.18 - A source code documentation tool
    * rsync-2.6.7 - powerful incremental remote synchronization
    * screen-4.0.2 - full-screen virtual text window manager
    * SDL-1.2.13 - Portable graphics library
    * sed-3.02 - GNU sed
    * shhmsg-1.4.1 - Library for displaying messages
    * simhv35-2 - a highly portable, multi-system simulator
    * sip-0.4 - Secure Internet Pipe - Create a secure networked pipe
    * slang-1.4.9 - interactive applications library
    * slrn- - fullscreen newsreader
    * sqlite-3.3.17 - A self-contained, embeddable SQL database engine
    * src2tex-2.12 - source program files -> TeX format files
    * ssmtp-2.61 - simple smtp client
    * subversion-1.4.0 - subversion version control system
    * sudo-1.7.2p1 - Allows programs to run with permissions of another user
    * tcl8.4.14 - The TCL scripting language.
    * tetex-3.0 - teTeX, a LaTeX distribution
    * tetex-src-3.0
    * texinfo-4.7 - Texinfo - The GNU Documentation System
    * tiff-3.8.2 - LibTIFF - TIFF Library and Utilities
    * tk8.4.14 - The TK Toolkit for use with TCL
    * unrtf-0.19.3 - converter from RTF to other formats
    * unzip-5.52 - for decompressing .zip archives
    * vice-1.20 - Emulates C64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4, CBM-II
    * vile-9.4 - text editor which is feel-compatible with vi
    * vim-6.3 - vi improved
    * wdiff-0.5 - Compares two files word by word
    * webcpp-0.8.4 - converts source into syntax highlighted HTML
    * wget-1.5.3 - utility to retrieve URLs
    * whichman-2.4 - search for man-pages that match approximately
    * X11R6.8.2 - X Windows R6.8.2
    * Xaw3d-1.5 - 3D athena widget set
    * xv-3.10a - XV 3.10a - graphics viewer
    * zip-2.31 - make .zip archives (compressed files into one)
    * zlib-1.2.3 - zlib compression library
    * zsh-4.2.6 - The Z shell

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Для операционной системы MINIX 3 портировали OSS, opennews, 15-Окт-09, 15:29  [смотреть все]
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