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"Фонд CПО выпустил полностью свободный вариант ядра Linux 3.1..."
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. "Фонд CПО выпустил полностью свободный вариант ядра Linux 3.1..." +3 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (55), 09-Дек-14, 15:21 
Тем, что в BSD-ядрах есть блобы. Цитирую с
FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD all include instructions for obtaining nonfree programs in their ports system. In addition, their kernels include nonfree firmware blobs.

Nonfree firmware programs used with Linux, the kernel, are called “blobs”, and that's how we use the term. In BSD parlance, the term “blob” means something else: a nonfree driver. OpenBSD and perhaps other BSD distributions (called “projects” by BSD developers) have the policy of not including those. That is the right policy, as regards drivers; but when the developers say these distributions “contain no blobs”, it causes a misunderstanding. They are not talking about firmware blobs.

No BSD distribution has policies against proprietary binary-only firmware that might be loaded even by free drivers.

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Фонд CПО выпустил полностью свободный вариант ядра Linux 3.1..., opennews, 08-Дек-14, 22:55  [смотреть все]
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