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"postfix+drweb+spamassasin выделывается ДрВеб"
Отправлено Murdoki, 06-Фев-09 16:24 

Поставил SLES без проблем, установил postfix, spamassassin. С ДрВебом были проблемы при установке, в итоге я его всёже победил, но правила в нем, которые проверяют заголовки писем и написаны на русском, он не понимает, английские работают нормально, отчеты ДрВеб пишет на русском, так-что язык вроде должен понимать... Принимает почту ДрВеб от спамассассина. Очень жду Ваших советов и рекомендаций, уже неделю гуглю, может не то ищу...

EnginePath = "/bla/bla/bla/drweb32.dll"

VirusBase = "/bla/bla/bases/*.vdb", "/bla/bla/bases/*.VDB"

UpdatePath = "bla/bla/updates"

TempPath = "/bla/bla/spool"

Key = "/bla/bla/drweb32.key"

MailAddressesList = "/bla/bla/email.ini"

OutputMode = Terminal

RunForeground = No

using SIGHUP!
User = drweb

configuration using SIGHUP!

PidFile = "/bla/bla/run/"

BusyFile = "/bla/bla/run/drwebd.bsy"

MaxChildren = 16

PreFork = Yes

MailCommand = "/bla/bla/sendmail -i -bm -f drweb -- root"

NotifyPeriod = 14

NotifyFile = "/bla/bla/.notify"

; =========================
; =   Scanning settings   =
; =========================

;FileTimeout = { value, seconds }
;        Maximum time to check object during single session.
FileTimeout = 30

;StopOnFirstInfected = { Yes | No }
;        Cancel or not message checking after first virus detected.
;        Setting to "Yes" value can minimize mail-server load and message check time.
StopOnFirstInfected = No

;ScanPriority = { value }
;        Priority of scanning process. Value should be from -20 (highest) to 19 (lowest).
;ScanPriority = 0

;FilesTypes = { extension list }
;        File types to check during "by type" scanning, i.e. when ScanFiles parameter is set to "ByType" value.
;        "*" and "?" characters are acceptable.

;FilesTypesWarnings = { Yes | No }
;        Warn or not for unknown file types.
FilesTypesWarnings = Yes

ScanFiles = All

;CheckArchives = { Yes | No }
;        Unpack or not ZIP (WinZip, InfoZIP...), RAR, ARJ, TAR, GZIP and CAB archives.
CheckArchives = Yes

;CheckEMailFiles = { Yes | No }
;        Scan or not files in e-mail formats.
CheckEMailFiles = Yes

;ExcludePaths = { list of paths (mask) to files }
;        Masks for files which should not be checked by Daemon.
ExcludePaths = "/proc", "/sys", "/dev"

;FollowLinks = { Yes | No }
;        Follow or not symbolic links while scanning.
FollowLinks = No

RenameFilesTo = #??

MoveFilesTo = "/bla/bla/infected"

; ==============================
; =   Communication settings   =
; ==============================

Socket = /bla/bla/run/.daemon
Socket = 3000

;SocketTimeout = { value, seconds }
;        Time to receive/send all data through socket (not considering scanning time).
SocketTimeout = 10

;ListeningQueue = { value }
;        Defines socket queue maximum size. Value should be from 0 to SOMAXCONN (depends on OS).
ListeningQueue = 128

; =================================
; =   Archive scanning settings   =
; =  Protection from DoS attacks  =
; =================================

MaxCompressionRatio = 500

CompressionCheckThreshold = 1024

MaxFileSizeToExtract = 40960

MaxArchiveLevel = 8

; ============================================
; =   Rule-based filter for e-mail headers   =
; ============================================

ScanEncodedHeaders = Yes

RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Hey"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Only"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Quality"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Доставляем"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Рассылка"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] АКЦИЯ"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Работа"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] СПУТНИКОВОЕ"
RejectCondition Subject = "ВИП залы"
RejectCondition Subject = "ВЭД-2007"
RejectCondition Subject = "Прогулки на теплоходе"
RejectCondition Subject = "Восстановим вашу"
RejectCondition Subject = "водосточные системы"
RejectCondition Subject = "[postmaster] Помещение"
RejectCondition Subject = "шкаф-купе"
RejectCondition Subject = "Аренда теплохода"
RejectCondition Subject = "Организация мероприятий"
RejectCondition Subject = "секс"
RejectCondition Subject = "киска"
RejectCondition Subject = "киску"
RejectCondition Subject = "киски"
RejectCondition Subject = "киской"
RejectCondition Subject = "кисок"
RejectCondition Subject = "Hey -"
RejectCondition Subject = "BRANDKEYWORD"
RejectCondition Subject = "supermodel'"
RejectCondition Subject = "Туры по"
RejectCondition Subject = "квартир в аренду"
RejectCondition Subject = "квартиры в аренду"
RejectCondition Subject = "Зацени"
RejectCondition Subject = "цыганское "
RejectCondition Subject = "Автостекло"
RejectCondition Subject = "оружие"
RejectCondition Subject = "XXXXXX"
RejectCondition Subject = "VERTU"
RejectCondition Subject = "casino"
RejectCondition Subject = "erotic"
RejectCondition Subject = "pen!s"
RejectCondition Subject = "dic'k"
RejectCondition Subject = "dik"
RejectCondition Subject = "shy"
RejectCondition Subject = "s'e_x"
RejectCondition Subject = "s'e_xual"
RejectCondition Subject = "orgasm"
RejectCondition Subject = "porno"
RejectCondition Subject = "impotence"
RejectCondition No "From"
RejectCondition From = "Sex"
RejectCondition From = "PORNO"
RejectCondition From = "Penis"
RejectCondition From = "VIAGRA"
RejectCondition From = "Versace"
RejectCondition From = "ELITE PHONE"
RejectCondition From = "Вvlgаri"
RejectCondition From = "VERTU"
RejectCondition From = "weapon"
RejectCondition From = "XXX"
RejectCondition From = "Интерьеры"
RejectCondition From = "Watch"
RejectCondition From = "Майс Эйдженси Оупен"
RejectCondition From = "Маркетолог"
RejectCondition From = "5-6 декабря"
RejectCondition From = "Оффшoры"
RejectCondition From = "V-I-A-G-R-A"
RejectCondition From = "Lenochka"
RejectCondition From = "САЙТ ЗНАКОМСТВ"
RejectCondition From = "Онлайн Казино"
RejectCondition From = "Натусик"
RejectCondition From = "енок"
RejectCondition From = "Танечка"
RejectCondition From = "ак-аэрозоль"
RejectCondition From = "Киска"
RejectCondition From = "Хотелка"
RejectCondition To = "Lena <>"
RejectCondition To = ""
RejectCondition To = ""
RejectCondition To = ""
RejectCondition To = ""
RejectCondition To = ""
RejectCondition To = ""
AcceptCondition From = ""

;AcceptCondition Subject != "money"
;MissingHeader { field list }
;        List of essential headers (absence of these will automatically lead to filtering message out).
MissingHeader "To", "From"

;FilterParts = { Yes | No }
;        Allow ("Yes") or not ("No") using parameters RejectPartCondition and AcceptPartCondition.
FilterParts = Yes

;RejectPartCondition { ruleset }, AcceptPartCondition { ruleset }
;        These are similar to RejectCondition and AcceptCondition parameters but used with particular message parts.
;        Set of rules can be defined as "FileName = { mask }", where "mask" is POSIX 1003.2 compatible regular expression.
;        This parameter works only if FilterParts parameter value is "Yes".
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.exe$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mp3$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.ogg$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mov$"
#RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.avi$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.wav$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mp4$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mpeg$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mpeg2$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mpeg4$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mpg$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.wma$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.asf$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.wm$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.wmv$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mp2$"
RejectPartCondition FileName = "\.mpa$"


; =======================
; =   Engine settings   =
; =======================

;EnginePath = { path to file, usually *.dll }
;        drweb32.dll (Engine) location. This parameter is also used by Updater.
;        You may specify relative path, but it's strongly recommended to use absolute.
EnginePath = "/bla/bla/lib/drweb32.dll"

;VirusBase = { list of paths (masks) to files, usually *.vdb }
;        Masks for loading virus bases. This parameter is also used by Updater.
;        Several masks can be listed.
VirusBase = "/bla/bla/bases/*.vdb", "/var/drweb/bases/*.VDB"

;UpdatePath = { path }
;       This parameter is used by update script.
;       It specifies where to put downloaded files (except for drweb32.dll and virus bases).
UpdatePath = "/bla/bla/updates"

;TempPath = { path }
;       This path is used by Engine for creating temporary files.
;       /tmp will be used if TempPath is not defined.
;       In general Daemon tries not to use TempPath.
TempPath = "/tmp"

;LngFileName = { path to file, usually *.dwl }
;        Language resource file location.
;LngFileName = "/bla/bla/lib/ru_scanner.dwl"

;Key = { path to file, usually *.key }
;        License key file location.
;        You may specify relative path, but it's strongly recommended to use absolute.
Key = "/bla/bla/drweb32.key"

; ========================
; =   Running settings   =
; ========================

;OutputMode = { Terminal | Quiet }
;        "Terminal": output information to console, "Quiet": no output.
OutputMode = Terminal

; =========================
; =   Scanning settings   =
; =========================

HeuristicAnalysis = Yes

;ScanPriority = { value }
;        Priority of scanning. Value should be from -20 (highest) to 19 (lowest).
;ScanPriority = 0

;FilesTypes = { extension list }
;        File types to check during "by type" scanning, i.e. when ScanFiles parameter is set to "ByType" value.
;        "*" and "?" characters are acceptable.

;FilesTypesWarnings = { Yes | No }
;        Warn or not for unknown file types.
FilesTypesWarnings = Yes

;ScanFiles = { All | ByType }
;        Files to be checked after extraction from archive. If parameter is set to "ByType" value file extensions are considered.
;        File extensions are set by default or in FilesTypes parameter.
;        'NOTE: for mail messages always "All" mode is used. "ByType" value can be applied only in local scanning mode.
ScanFiles = All

;ScanSubDirectories = { Yes | No }
;        Scan or not contents of directories recursively.
ScanSubDirectories = Yes

;CheckArchives = { Yes | No }
;        Unpack or not ZIP (WinZip, InfoZIP...), RAR, ARJ, TAR, GZIP and CAB archives.
CheckArchives = Yes

;CheckEMailFiles = { Yes | No }
;        Scan or not files in e-mail formats.
CheckEMailFiles = Yes

;ExcludePaths = { list of paths (mask) to files }
;        Masks for files which should not be checked by Scanner.
ExcludePaths = "/proc", "/sys", "/dev"

;FollowLinks = { Yes | No }
;        Follow or not symbolic links while scanning.
FollowLinks = No

;RenameFilesTo = { mask }
;        Mask for renaming files using custom file extension. If file has no extension mask is appended to filename as extension.
;        Symbol "?" in mask is replaced by original symbol of file extension.
;        Examples:
;        If RenameFilesTo = #??
;        1) Original name of infected file was "" -> it gets renamed to "eicar.#om";
;        2) Original name of infected file was "this_is_a_virus" -> it gets renamed to "this_is_a_virus.#".
RenameFilesTo = #??

;MoveFilesTo = { path }
;        Path to quarantine directory.
MoveFilesTo = "/bla/bla/infected"

;EnableDeleteArchiveAction = { Yes | No }
;        Allow or not Scanner to delete containers (archives, html pages, mailboxs, etc.) if they contain infected objects.
;        WARNING: Whole container file will be removed, not only infected object. Be careful!
EnableDeleteArchiveAction = No

; By default Scanner logs information only about infected objects, but you can specify another actions for different cases.
; Possible log information:
;        InfectedFiles - file infected by known virus;
;        SuspiciousFiles - file possibly infected by unknown virus;
;        IncurableFiles - file infected and can not be cured (only if InfectedFiles parameter value is "Cure");
;        ActionInfectedMail - message or mailbox contains infected object;
;        ActionInfectedArchive - archive (ZIP, TAR, RAR, etc.) contains infected object;
;        ActionInfectedContainer - container (OLE, HTML, PowerPoint, etc.) contains infected object;
;        ActionAdware - file contains advertising software;
;        ActionDialers - file contains dialer program;
;        ActionJokes - file contains joke (hoax) program;
;        ActionRiskware - file contains potentially dangerous software;
;        ActionHacktools - file contains hack tool;
; Possible actions:
;        Report - only log information (by default);
;        Cure - attempt to cure object (only for InfectedFiles parameter);
;        Delete - delete object;
;        Move - quarantine object (MoveFilesTo parameter);
;        Rename - rename object (RenameFilesTo parameter);
;        Ignore - ignore this type of objects. This action is similar to "Report" action but exit code
;        doesnt contain information about these objects. This action is also useful for GUI version of Scanner.
InfectedFiles = Cure
SuspiciousFiles = Report
IncurableFiles = Delete
ActionAdware = Report
ActionDialers = Report
ActionJokes = Report
ActionRiskware = Report
ActionHacktools = Report
ActionInfectedArchive = Report
ActionInfectedMail = Report
ActionInfectedContainer = Report

; ====================
; =   Log settings   =
; ====================

;LogFileName = { filename }
;        Log filename. When "syslog" value is specified report will be logged using syslogd system service.
;        You should also correctly set SyslogFacility and SyslogPriority parameters in this case.
;        Since syslog records information about different events of various importance in several files
;        you can find out where information about Scanner operation is stored using these two parameters
;        and syslog configuration file (usually /etc/syslogd.conf).
;LogFileName = "syslog"
;SyslogFacility = "Daemon"
;SyslogPriority = "Info"
LogFileName = "/bla/bla/log/drweb.log"

;LimitLog = {Yes | No}
;      Limit or not log file size. Parameter is ignored when LogFileName parameter value is "syslog".
;      When current log file size exceeds MaxLogSize parameter value log file is erased and started from scratch.
LimitLog = No

;MaxLogSize = { file size in Kb }
;       Maximum log file size. This parameter is used only when LimitLog parameter value is "Yes".
MaxLogSize = 512

;LogScanned = { Yes | No }
;        Log or not information about all checked objects (infected and clean).
LogScanned = Yes

;LogPacked = { Yes | No }
;        Log or not additional information about files packed by DIET, PKLITE and similar utilities.
LogPacked = No

;LogArchived = { Yes | No }
;        Log or not additional information about files archived by RAR, ZIP, TAR and similar archivers.
LogArchived = Yes

;LogTime = { Yes | No }
;        Timestamp or not every record in log file.
LogTime = Yes

;LogStatistics = { Yes | No }
;        Output or not summary statistics when scanning is finished.
LogStatistics = Yes

;RecodeNonprintable = { Yes | No }
;        Output mode for nonprintable characters.
RecodeNonprintable = Yes

;RecodeMode = { Replace | QuotedPrintable }
;        Recode mode for nonprintable characters if RecodeNonprintable parameter value is "Yes".
;        These characters will be replaced by RecodeChar parameter value (see below) if RecodeMode parameter value is "Replace".
RecodeMode = QuotedPrintable

;RecodeChar = { "?" | "_" | ... }
;        Defines symbol to replace nonprintable characters if RecodeMode parameter value is "Replace".
RecodeChar = "?"

; =================================
; =   Archive scanning settings   =
; =================================

;MaxCompressionRatio = { value }
;        Maximum compression ratio, i.e. ratio of unpacked file length to length of packed file in archive.
;        If the ratio exceeds MaxCompressionRatio parameter value file will not be extracted and therefore will not be checked.
;        NOTE: message with such file will be treated as "mail bomb".
;        NOTE: See also ArchiveRestriction parameter in filters configurations.
;MaxCompressionRatio = 5000

;CompressionCheckThreshold = { value in Kb }
;        Size of file inside archive which triggers maximum compression ratio check
;        (if enabled by MaxCompressionRatio parameter value).
;CompressionCheckThreshold = 1024

;MaxFileSizeToExtract = { value in Kb }
;        Maximum file size to extract file from archive. If file size exceeds MaxFileSizeToExtract parameter value
;        this file will be skipped.
;        NOTE: message with such file will be treated as "mail bomb".
;        NOTE: See also ArchiveRestriction parameter in filters configurations.
MaxFileSizeToExtract = 500000

;MaxArchiveLevel = { value }
;        Maximum archive recursion level (archive packed in archive packed in archive etc.).
;        NOTE: message with such file will be treated as "mail bomb".
;        NOTE: See also ArchiveRestriction parameter in filters configurations.
MaxArchiveLevel = 8


; ====================
; = General settings =
; ====================

;UpdatePluginsOnly = { Yes | No }
;        Skip ("Yes") or not ("No") updating of Daemon/Scanner if you don't need it
;        (e.g. you want to update plugins leaving Engine and virus bases intact)
;        WARNING: Do not modify this parameter if unsure!
;        See also DrlDir parameter below.
UpdatePluginsOnly = No

;Section = { Daemon | Scanner }
;        Defines which component should be updated.
;        Option could be overwritten by "--what=" command line switch.
Section = Daemon

;ProgramPath = { path to file }
;        Path to Daemon/Scanner.
;        Used by Updater to get product versions and API versions for installed binaries.
ProgramPath = /bla/bla/drwebd

;SignedReader = { path to file }
;        Program used by Updater to read signed files.
SignedReader = /bla/bla/read_signed

;LockFile = { path to file }
;        File used to prevent running multiple instances of Updater.
LockFile = /bla/bla/run/update.lock

;CronSummary = { Yes | No }
;        Output ("Yes") or not ("No") update session result to stdout.
;        Feature can be used for Administrator notification by e-mail if Updater is executed by cron.
CronSummary = Yes

;DrlFile = { path to file }
;        List of currently available update servers. Updater randomly selects server for each update session.
;        This file is signed by Dr.Web Ltd. and automatically updated. It cannot be changed manually.
DrlFile = "/bla/bla/bases/update.drl"

;DrlDir = { path to directory }
;        Directory containing signed *.drl files pointing to Dr.Web plugins (e.g. VadeRetro antispam library) to be updated.
;        WARNING: do not change contents of this directory!
;        Directory can be relocated if needed.
DrlDir = /bla/bla/drl

; ====================================
; = Download settings =
; ====================================

;Timeout = { value, in seconds }
;        Timeout defined for single download session.
;        To use infinite timeout leave commented out or empty.
Timeout = 90

;Tries = { values }
;        Number of retries to get updated files.
Tries = 3

;ProxyServer = { server }
;        HTTP proxy server to use during update process.
;        If you have no proxy server leave commented out or empty.
ProxyServer =

;ProxyLogin = { name }
;        Proxy server authentication username (see ProxyServer parameter).
;        If you have no proxy server leave commented out or empty.
ProxyLogin =

;ProxyPassword = { password }
;        Proxy server authentication password (see ProxyServer parameter).
;        If you have no proxy server leave commented out or empty.
ProxyPassword =

; ====================
; =   Log settings   =
; ====================

;LogFileName = { filename }
;        Log filename. When "syslog" value is specified report will be logged using syslogd system service.
;        You should also correctly set SyslogFacility parameter in this case.
;        Since syslog records information about different events of various importance in several files
;        you can find out where information about Updater operation is stored using these two parameters
;        and syslog configuration file (usually /etc/syslogd.conf).
;LogFileName = "syslog"
;SyslogFacility = "Daemon"
LogFileName = "/bla/bla/log/updater.log"

;LogLevel = { Debug | Verbose | Info | Warning | Error | Quiet }
;        Levels of details logging. Updater internal log levels are indirectly associated with syslog priorities if you use syslogd.
LogLevel = Verbose

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Inferno Solutions
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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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