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"Компьютер Intel Edison, размером с SD-карту, доступен в Росс..."
Отправлено qw, 23-Апр-15 05:27 
> Да не Эдисон лампочку Ильича изобрёл, а Лодыгин...

Ну да родина слонов или Россия или Америка, ясное дело.

In 1802, Humphry Davy had what was then the most powerful electrical battery in the world at the Royal Institution of Great Britain (with the possible exception of another one made in the same year by Vasily Petrov in Russia[citation needed]). In that year, Davy created the first incandescent light by passing the current through a thin strip of platinum

In 1835, James Bowman Lindsay demonstrated a constant electric light at a public meeting in Dundee, Scotland.

In 1840, British scientist Warren de la Rue enclosed a coiled platinum filament in a vacuum tube and passed an electric current through it.

In 1841, Frederick de Moleyns of England was granted the first patent for an incandescent lamp, with a design using platinum wires contained within a vacuum bulb.[13]

In 1845, American John W. Starr[14] acquired a patent for his incandescent light bulb involving the use of carbon filaments.

In 1851, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin publicly demonstrated incandescent light bulbs on his estate in Blois, France.

In 1872, Russian Alexander Lodygin invented an incandescent light bulb and obtained a Russian patent in 1874. Later he lived in the USA, and a bulb using a molybdenum filament was demonstrated at the world fair of 1900 in Paris.[20]

Эдисон же довел это все до практического использования, создав реально работающие и доступные генераторы, линии передачи и лампочки.


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