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"Большое интервью с Линусом Торвальдсом"
Отправлено Аноним, 10-Фев-11 01:50 
Несколько интересных моментов:

LT: The whole "support memory past the 4GB mark on a 32-bit architecture" thing is something I absolutely hate. It impacted _everything_. It was really painful, and people trying to run 32-bit x86 processors with 32GB of memory was just a total disaster.
We could do it, but it was a memory management nightmare. And I was really unhappy with how Intel seemed to drag their feet on the whole 64-bit side, pushing instead their crazy and fundamentally flawed Itanium architecture. Then AMD came around with x86-64, and there was finally light at the end of a long, dark, nasty tunnel.

iTWire: Living in America for so many years, you must have remarked on occasion about the differences in attitudes between the people in the US and those in your own native land, Finland. What do you like most about your adopted country? And what do you dislike?

LT: The dislike is the easier one to answer - it's the huge disparity in social and economic circumstances. Coupled to some seriously odd societal hangups ("social safety-nets are bad" or "guns are good, sex is bad" and the occasional "religion is good, science education is bad" crazies).
So one thing I really miss from Finland is the egalitarian society, with strong safety nets, and less of the crazy "punishment" mentality, and more of the "let's help people get away from bad patterns" social model. A couple of years ago, the New York Times ran a big article about the Finnish prison system, and that thing just made me proud to be from Finland. The US really is a third-world country in some respects.


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