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Архив документации (72 элементов)
56 Email Abuse Resource List Mail
57 Fighting email spam and anti-UBE pointers Mail
58 computer-security/secmaillist FAQ Безопасность, защита информации
59 UNIX Email Software Survey FAQ [Part 3 of 3] Mail
60 FAQ: International E-mail accessibility Mail
61 FAQ: Lisp Implementations and Mailing Lists 4/7 [Monthly posting] lisp-faq
62 Address Munging FAQ: "Spam-Blocking" Your Email Address Mail
63 Filtering Mail FAQ Mail
64 The Email Abuse FAQ, Version 2.02 Mail
65 UnixWare Frequently Asked Questions (The Email system) unixware
66 Client-server mail protocols FAQ Mail
67 Mail Archive Server software list Mail
68 Email Addressing FAQ (How to use user+box@host addresses) Mail
69 FAQ: SCO UNIX newsgroups and mailing lists SCO
70 Accessing the Internet by E-mail FAQ Mail
71 Mailing list management software FAQ Mail
72 [comp.mail.pine] Welcome! Read this first Mail
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