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1.1. openMosix HOWTO

In the beginning there was Mosix, then came openMosix, in my opinion a more interresting project. Not only from a technical viewpoint but also given the more correct license. I made the decision to focus this HOWTO on openMosix rather than on Mosix, mainly based on the fact that openMosix has a bigger userbase. (Moshe Bar states that about 97% of the old Mosix community has been converted to openMosix. ) (20020705) Although lots of information might be valuable to both users of Mosix and openMosix. I decided to mainly split the HOWTO. The latest release of the Mosix HOWTO, containing info about both Mosix and OpenMosix will be 0.20 My intention is to focus on the openMosix HOWTO, however not neglecting the Mosix users. More info on

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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