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Glib::BookmarkFile (3)
  • >> Glib::BookmarkFile (3) ( Разные man: Библиотечные вызовы )


    Glib::BookmarkFile -  Parser for bookmark files


      use Glib;

      $date .= $_ while (<DATA>);

      $b = Glib::BookmarkFile->new;
      $uri = 'file:///some/path/to/a/file.txt';
      if ($b->has_item($uri)) {
            $title = $b->get_title($uri);
            $desc  = $b->get_description($uri);

            print "Bookmark for `$uri' ($title):\n";
            print "  $desc\n";

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <xbel version="1.0"
        <bookmark href="file:///tmp/test-file.txt" added="2006-03-22T18:54:00Z" modified="2006-03-22T18:54:00Z" visited="2006-03-22T18:54:00Z">
          <title>Test File</title>
          <desc>Some test file</desc>
            <metadata owner="">
              <mime:mime-type type="text/plain"/>
                <bookmark:application name="Gedit" exec="gedit %u" timestamp="1143053640" count="1"/>


    Glib::BookmarkFile lets you parse, edit or create files containing lists of bookmarks to resources pointed to by URIs, with some meta-data bound to them, following the Desktop Bookmark Specification. The recent files support inside GTK+ uses this type of files to store the list of recently used files.

    The syntax of bookmark files is described in detail in the Desktop Bookmarks Specification, here is a quick summary: bookmark files use a subclass of the XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL) document format, defining meta-data such as the MIME type of the resource pointed by a bookmark, the list of applications that have registered the same URI and the visibility of the bookmark.  



    bookmarkfile = Glib::BookmarkFile->new


    $bookmark_file->add_application ($uri, $name, $exec)

    * $uri (string)
    * $name (string or undef)
    * $exec (string or undef)

    Adds the application with $name and $exec to the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for $uri into $bookmark_file.

    Every bookmark inside a "Glib::BookmarkFile" must have at least an application registered. Each application must provide a name, a command line useful for launching the bookmark, the number of times the bookmark has been registered by the application and the last time the application registered this bookmark.

    If $name is undef, the name of the application will be the same returned by Glib::get_application_name(); if $exec is undef, the command line will be a composition of the program name as returned by Glib::get_prgname() and the ``%u'' modifier, which will be expanded to the bookmark's URI.

    This function will automatically take care of updating the registrations count and timestamping in case an application with the same $name had already registered a bookmark for $uri inside the bookmark file. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    $bookmark_file->add_group ($uri, $group)

    * $uri (string)
    * $group (string)

    Adds $group to the list of groups to which the bookmark for $uri belongs to. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_added ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_added ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)

    * $bookmark_file (Glib::BookmarkFile)
    * $uri (string)
    * $value (unix timestamp)

    Sets the time the bookmark for $uri was added. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    ($exec, $count, $stamp) = $bookmark_file->get_app_info ($uri, $name)

    * $uri (string)
    * $name (string)

    Gets the registration informations of $name for the bookmark for $uri. See Glib::BookmarkFile::set_app_info() for more informations about the returned data.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_app_info ($uri, $name, $exec, $count, $stamp)

    * $uri (string)
    * $name (string)
    * $exec (string)
    * $count (integer)
    * $stamp (unix timestamp)

    Sets the meta-data of application $name inside the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for $uri inside $bookmark_file.

    You should rarely use this method; use Glib::BookmarkFile::add_application() and Glib::BookmarkFile::remove_application() instead.

    $name can be any UTF-8 encoded string used to identify an application. $exec can have one of these two modifiers: ``%f'', which will be expanded as the local file name retrieved from the bookmark's URI; ``%u'', which will be expanded as the bookmark's URI. The expansion is done automatically when retrieving the stored command line using the Glib::BookmarkFile::get_app_info() method. $count is the number of times the application has registered the bookmark; if it is < 0, the current registration count will be increased by one, if it is 0, the application with $name will be removed from the list of registered applications. $stamp is the Unix time of the last registration, as returned by time(); if it is -1, the current time will be used.

    If you try to remove an application by setting its registration count to zero, and no bookmark for $uri is found, %FALSE is returned and an exception is fired.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    list = $bookmark_file->get_applications ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Retrieves the names of the applications that have registered the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->get_description ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Gets the description of the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_description ($uri, $description)

    * $uri (string)
    * $description (string)

    Sets the description of the bookmark for $uri. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    list = $bookmark_file->get_groups ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Retrieves the list of group names of the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_groups ($uri, ...)

    * $uri (string)
    * ... (list) one or more group names

    Sets a list of group names for the item with URI $uri. Each previously set group name list is removed. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_application ($uri, $name)

    * $uri (string)
    * $name (string)

    Checks whether the bookmark for $uri inside $bookmark_file has been registered by application $name.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_group ($uri, $group)

    * $uri (string)
    * $group (string)

    Checks whether $group appears in the list of groups to which the bookmark for $uri belongs to.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_item ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Looks whether the bookmark file has a bookmark for $uri.


    ($href, $mime_type) = $bookmark_file->get_icon ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Gets the icon of the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_icon ($uri, $href, $mime_type)

    * $uri (string)
    * $href (string or undef)
    * $mime_type (string or undef)

    Sets the icon for the bookmark for $uri. If $href is undef, unsets the currently set icon.


    boolean = $bookmark_file->get_is_private ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_is_private ($uri, $is_private)

    * $uri (string)
    * $is_private (boolean)

    $bookmark_file->load_from_data ($buf)

    * $buf (scalar)

    Parses a string containing a bookmark file structure.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    ($full_path) = $bookmark_file->load_from_data_dirs ($file)

    * $file (localized file name)

    Parses a bookmark file, searching for it inside the data directories. If a file is found, it returns the full path.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->load_from_file ($file)

    * $file (localized file name)

    Parses a bookmark file.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    string = $bookmark_file->get_mime_type ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Gets the MIME type of the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_mime_type ($uri, $mime_type)

    * $uri (string)
    * $mime_type (string)

    Sets the MIME type of the bookmark for $uri. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_modified ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_modified ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)

    * $bookmark_file (Glib::BookmarkFile)
    * $uri (string)
    * $value (unix timestamp)

    Sets the time the bookmark for $uri was last modified. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    $bookmark_file->move_item ($old_uri, $new_uri)

    * $old_uri (string)
    * $new_uri (string or undef)

    Changes the URI of a bookmark item from $old_uri to $new_uri. Any existing bookmark for $new_uri will be overwritten. If $new_uri is undef, then the bookmark is removed.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->remove_application ($uri, $name)

    * $uri (string)
    * $name (string)

    Removes application registered with $name from the list of applications that have registered a bookmark for $uri inside $bookmark_file.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->remove_group ($uri, $group)

    * $uri (string)
    * $group (string)

    Removes $group from the list of groups to which the bookmark for $uri belongs to.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->remove_item ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Removes the bookmark for $uri from the bookmark file.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    integer = $bookmark_file->get_size

    Gets the number of bookmarks inside the bookmark file.

    $bookmark_file->get_title ($uri, $title)

    * $uri (string)

    Gets the title of the bookmark for $uri.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->set_title ($uri, $title)

    * $uri (string)
    * $title (string)

    Sets the title of the bookmark for $uri. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.


    string = $bookmark_file->to_data

    Returns the bookmark file as a string.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    $bookmark_file->to_file ($file)

    * $file (localized file name)

    Saves the contents of a bookmark file into a file. The write operation is guaranteed to be atomical by writing the contents of the bookmark file to a temporary file and then moving the file to the target file.

    May croak with a Glib::Error in $@ on failure.


    list = $bookmark_file->get_uris

    Returns the URI of all the bookmarks in the bookmark file.

    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_visited ($uri)

    * $uri (string)

    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_visited ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)

    * $bookmark_file (Glib::BookmarkFile)
    * $uri (string)
    * $value (unix timestamp)

    Sets the time the bookmark for $uri was last visited. If no bookmark for $uri is found one is created.





    Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by the gtk2-perl team.

    This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Glib for a full notice.



    bookmarkfile = Glib::BookmarkFile->new
    $bookmark_file->add_application ($uri, $name, $exec)
    $bookmark_file->add_group ($uri, $group)
    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_added ($uri)
    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_added ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)
    ($exec, $count, $stamp) = $bookmark_file->get_app_info ($uri, $name)
    $bookmark_file->set_app_info ($uri, $name, $exec, $count, $stamp)
    list = $bookmark_file->get_applications ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->get_description ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->set_description ($uri, $description)
    list = $bookmark_file->get_groups ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->set_groups ($uri, ...)
    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_application ($uri, $name)
    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_group ($uri, $group)
    boolean = $bookmark_file->has_item ($uri)
    ($href, $mime_type) = $bookmark_file->get_icon ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->set_icon ($uri, $href, $mime_type)
    boolean = $bookmark_file->get_is_private ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->set_is_private ($uri, $is_private)
    $bookmark_file->load_from_data ($buf)
    ($full_path) = $bookmark_file->load_from_data_dirs ($file)
    $bookmark_file->load_from_file ($file)
    string = $bookmark_file->get_mime_type ($uri)
    $bookmark_file->set_mime_type ($uri, $mime_type)
    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_modified ($uri)
    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_modified ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)
    $bookmark_file->move_item ($old_uri, $new_uri)
    $bookmark_file->remove_application ($uri, $name)
    $bookmark_file->remove_group ($uri, $group)
    $bookmark_file->remove_item ($uri)
    integer = $bookmark_file->get_size
    $bookmark_file->get_title ($uri, $title)
    $bookmark_file->set_title ($uri, $title)
    string = $bookmark_file->to_data
    $bookmark_file->to_file ($file)
    list = $bookmark_file->get_uris
    unix timestamp = $bookmark_file->get_visited ($uri)
    Glib::BookmarkFile::set_visited ($bookmark_file, $uri, $value)

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