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geomview (1)
  • >> geomview (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • geomview (5) ( Solaris man: Форматы файлов )
         Geomview - interactive geometry viewer
         geomview [-opengl] [-b r g b] [-c commandfile]
              [-wins #windows] [-nopanels]
              [-wpos xmin ymin xsize ysize]
              [-wpos xsize,ysize[@xmin,ymin]] [-e external-module-
              name] [-M[cg][sp] pipename] [-start external-module-
              name [arg ...] --] [-run external-module-
              path [arg ...] --] [file ...]
         Geomview is an interactive geometry viewer  written  at  the
         Geometry Center.  It displays the objects in the files given
         on the command line and allows the user to view and  manipu-
         late them interactively.
         The present version (1.7) of geomview runs on Silicon Graph-
         ics  Irises,  and X Window System workstations.  We are very
         interested in hearing about any problems you may have  using
         it; see below for information on how to contact us.
         In addition to providing interactive control over a world of
         objects  via  the mouse and keyboard, geomview has an inter-
         preted language of commands for controlling almost every as-
         pect of its display.  It can execute files containing state-
         ments in this language, and it can  communicate  with  other
         programs using the language.  See geomview(5), e.g. the file
         man/cat5/geomview.5 in the geomview distribution,  for  more
         details of the language.
         This manual page serves only as  a  (very)  terse  reference
         manual for geomview.  For a gentler introduction to the pro-
         gram and the format of the  data  files  it  can  read,  see
         "overview"  and  "oogltour"  in  the  "doc" directory of the
         geomview distribution,  or  better,  see  the  full  manual:
         "geomview.tex"  or "", also in the "doc" directo-
         ry.  The source distribution also includes  a  tutorial  for
         how  to  write  external  modules  in  the "src/bin/example"
              Some geomview distributions include two gvx executables
              --  one  which  displays  images  using  only X windows
              graphics, and another which uses Open GL.  The  -opengl
              (or  -OGL) option selects the latter, if it exists.  If
              used, this option must be the  first  option  given  to
         -b   Set the window background color to  the  given  r  g  b
         -c   Interpret the commands in  commandfile,  which  may  be
              ``-''  for  standard  input.   The  command language is
              described in geomview(5).   Commands  may  be  supplied
              literally,  as  in  ``-c "(ui-panel main off)"''; since
              they include parentheses, they must be quoted.
              Causes geomview to initially  display  #windows  camera
              Specifies the initial location and size  of  the  first
              camera window.  With ``-'', you are prompted for window
         -M objname
               Display (possibly dynamically changing)  geometry  (or
              commands)  sent  via ``togeomview -g objname [geomview-
              shell-command]''  or  ``geomstuff objname  file  ...''.
              The data appears as a geomview object named objname.
              Actually     listens     to     the     named      pipe
              ``/tmp/geomview/objname''; you can achieve the same ef-
              fect with the shell commands:
                  mkdir /tmp/geomview;
                  mknod /tmp/geomview/objname p
              (assuming the directory and named  pipe  don't  already
              exist), then executing the geomview command:
                  (geometry objname  < /tmp/geomview/objname)
         -M[cg][sp] pipename
              The -M option accepts modifiers: a 'g'  suffix  expects
              geometry  data  (the default), while 'c' suffix expects
              gcl commands.  A 'p' implies the connection should  use
              a  named  pipe (the default on the Iris), while 's' im-
              plies using a UNIX-domain socket (default on the NeXT).
              So  -Mcs  fred  selects reading commands from the UNIX-
              domain socket named /tmp/geomview/fred.
              Start up displaying no panels, only  graphics  windows.
              Panels may be invoked later as usual with the "Px" key-
              board shortcuts or "(ui-panel ...)"  command.
              Read no initialization  files.   By  default,  geomview
              reads  the  system-wide  ".geomview"  file, followed by
              those in $HOME/.geomview and ./.geomview.
         -e modulename
              Start an external module; modulename is the name  asso-
              ciated  with  the module, appearing in the main panel's
              Applications browser, as defined by the  emodule-define
              command (see geomview(5) for details).
         -start modulename arguments ... --
              Like -e but allows you to pass arguments to the  exter-
              nal module.  "--" signals the end of the argument list;
              the "--" may be omitted if it would be the  last  argu-
              ment on the geomview command line.
         -run shell-command arguments ...
              Like -start but takes the pathname of executable of the
              external module instead of the module's name.
         The format of the files read by  geomview  is  described  in
         oogl(5);  type "man 5 oogl", or see the file man/cat5/oogl.5
         in the geomview distribution, for details.
         Note to users of  MinneView  (the  precursor  to  geomview):
         geomview can read MinneView files, but MinneView cannot read
         all geomview files.
         Immediately upon starting up geomview reads and executes the
         commands  in  the  system-wide  .geomview file in the "data"
         subdirectory of the geomview directory.  Then, if there is a
         file  named  .geomview in the current directory, it executes
         the commands in that file.  If no in the user's home  direc-
         tory, and executes it if found. The startup file of an indi-
         vidual user overrides the systemwide defaults,  since  later
         commands take precedence over earlier ones.
         Geomview  has  the  ability  to  interact  via  its  command
         language  with  other  programs,  called "external modules".
         Many such modules have been written and appear in  the  "Ap-
         plication"  browser in the main geomview panel.  To invoke a
         module you click the mouse on the  module's  entry  in  this
         browser.   This starts the module and adds an additional en-
         try to the browser, beginning with a number in square brack-
         ets  as in ``[1] Crayola'', which represents the running in-
         stance of that module.  You  can  terminate  the  module  by
         clicking  on  the  numbered  entry.   Modules are documented
         separately from geomview.  See  the  manual  page  for  each
         module for details.
         Geomview looks for external modules in a  special  directory
         for  modules.  In the geomview distribution tree this is the
         "bin/$MACHTYPE" subdirectory.   A  module  consists  of  two
         files:  the  executable  program,  and a "module init file",
         which is a whose name is ".geomview-" followed by the module
         name.   The  module init file tells geomview how to run that
         program.  Be sure to always keep these two  files  together;
         geomview  needs both of them in order to run the module.  To
         install a new module, simply  put  the  module's  executable
         file  and its init file in your geomview's module directory.
         The next time you run geomview,  it  will  know  about  that
         Geomview can actually looks for modules in a list of  direc-
         tories;  by default only the "bin/$MACHTYPE" directory is on
         this list.  See the set-emodule-path command in  geomview(5)
         for details.
         There is a tutorial for how to write external modules in the
         "src/bin/example" directory.
         An external module init file is the file that tells geomview
         how  to run that module.  Its name must be ".geomview-" fol-
         lowed by the name of the module, e.g. ".geomview-foo".    It
         should  contain geomview commands; typically it will contain
         a single emodule-define command which enters the module into
         geomview's application browser:
                 (emodule-define "Foo" "foo")
         The first string is the name that appears  in  the  browser.
         The  second  string is the command to invoke the module.  It
         may contain arguments; in fact it can be an arbitrary  shell
         Many geomview operations are available  from  the  keyboard.
         Hitting  the  "?"  button  on  the main panel, or typing "?"
         with the cursor in any window, causes geomview  to  print  a
         message   on   standard  output  listing  all  the  keyboard
         Keyboard commands apply while cursor is in any graphics window and most
         control panels. Most commands allow one of the following selection prefixes
         (if none is provided the command applies to the current object):
            g  world geom    g#  #'th geom  g*  All geoms
            c  current camera     c#  #'th camera     c*  All cameras
         Many allow a numeric prefix:  if none they toggle or reset current value.
          Draw:              Shading:       Other:
           af  Faces         0as Constant    av  eVert normals: always face viewer
           ae  Edges         1as Flat  #aw  Line Width (pixels)
           an  Normals       2as Smooth     #ac  edges Closer than faces(try 5-100)
           ab  Bounding Boxes     3as Smooth, non-lighted  al  Shade lines
           aV  Vectors       aT  allow transparency   at  Texture-mapping
          Color:             aC  allow concave polygons
           Cf Ce Cn Cb CB   face/edge/normal/bbox/backgnd
         Motions:                       Viewing:
           r rotate        [ Leftmouse=X-Y plane,     0vp Orthographic view
           t translate       Middle=Z axis,      1vp Perspective view
           z zoom FOV        Shift=slow motion,        vd Draw other views' cameras
           f fly             in r/t modes.      ]     #vv field of View
           o orbit           [Left=steer, Middle=speed ]   #vn near clip distance
           s scale                     #vf far clip distance
           w/W recenter/all                  v+ add new camera
           h/H halt/halt all                 vx cursor on/off
           @  select center of motion (e.g. g3@)       vb backfacing poly cull on/off
                                       #vl focal length
           L  Look At object                 v~ Software shading on/off
         show Panel:    Pm Pa Pl Po    main/appearance/lighting/obscure
                   Pt Pc PC Pf    tools/cameras/Commands/file-browser
                   Ps P-          saving/read commands from tty
         Lights:  ls le      Show lights / Edit Lights
         Metric:  me mh ms   Euclidean Hyperbolic Spherical
         Model:   mv mp mc   Virtual Projective Conformal
           N normalization < Pf  load geom/command file
            0N none       > Ps  save something to file     ui  motion has inertia
            1N each       TV NTSC mode toggle    uc  constrained (X/Y) motion
            2N all                     uo  motion in Own coord system
           Rightmouse-doubleclick  pick as current target object
           Shift-Rightmouse        pick interest (center) point
           RR send RIB output to <fileprefix>NNN.rib (default fileprefix == "geom")
           RC Emulate lines using cylinders (default)
           RP Emulate lines using polygons
           Ra choose ASCII RIB format (default)
           Rb choose BINARY RIB format
           Rt choose Display token to specify .tiff file (default)
           Rf choose Display token to specify framebuffer
           Rs Simulate background color with Polygon (default)
           Rx No background simulation - fully transparent (alpha) background
         The "geomview" command is actually a shell script that  sets
         various environment variables which tell geomview about your
         local setup, and then invokes the geomview  executable  pro-
         gram  "gvx" (or "gvx.OGL").  Do not run "gvx" by itself; al-
         ways invoke geomview with the "geomview" shell script.
         oogl(5) - OOGL geometric file formats and conventions
         geomview(5) - geomview command language reference
         data/.geomview - default  initialization  file  in  geomview
              command language
         data/geom - sample data files
         The ``geomview'' shell script sets these internally  by  de-
         fault;  if you set them before invoking geomview, the values
         you set will be used instead of the built-in defaults.
         GEOMROOT - main directory under  which  geomview  finds  its
              data files, modules, and gvx executable.
         GEOMVIEW_GVX - geomview executable
         GEOMVIEW_LOAD_PATH - colon-separated search  path  for  data
         GEOMVIEW_EMODULE_PATH  -  colon-separated  search  path  for
              external modules
         GEOMVIEW_SYSTEM_INITFILE -  system-wide  GCL  initialization
         GEOMDATA - top directory of the default data tree,  used  by
              some modules
            Stuart Levy              Tamara Munzner         Mark Phillips
                      Celeste Fowler              Nathaniel Thurston
                       Daniel Krech                   Scott Wisdom
                       Daeron Meyer                  Timothy Rowley
                The National Science and Technology Research Center for
                 Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures
                                 (The Geometry Center)
                                University of Minnesota
         Sometimes core dumps on bad input files.
         Zoom and scale have no inertia.
         Virtual spherical mode doesn't work on VGXes.
         If you find a bug, please let us know about  it  by  sending
         email  to, or by contacting us at the
         address above.

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