gii_valuator_event - LibGII valuator events
#include <ggi/events.h>
A valuator is a representation of the state of an input device in terms of a physical quantity like length. A valuator event, of type gii_val_event, reports a change in any of those quantities.
This structure is used for the evValRelative and evValAbsolute events.
typedef struct { COMMON_DATA; uint32 first; /* first valuator reported */ uint32 count; /* number reported */ sint32 value[32]; /* absolute/relative values */ } gii_val_event;
A valuator may be either absolute or relative, like pointer motion events.
To interpret the numbers, query valuator device info with GII_CMDCODE_GETVALINFO. [Comment: The documentator has never used these events, but just read the relevant source and header files. Please send any corrections.]
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