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IBM открыл тулкит гомоморфного шифрования для Linux, opennews (?), 30-Июл-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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100. "IBM открыл тулкит гомоморфного шифрования для Linux"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (78), 31-Июл-20, 21:43 
Я в курсе, что их. Просто указываю, по какой ссылке что-то действительно интересное, а не докерфайлы.
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107. "IBM открыл тулкит гомоморфного шифрования для Linux"  +/
Сообщение от Eli M. Dowemail (?), 01-Авг-20, 21:28 
As one of the authors of the toolkit (Eli), you can probably appreciate that we are indeed trying to make it easier to consume for more people. Not everyone has the skill or time to set up a development machine with a properly configured NTL, GMP, and HElib stack. Furthermore, most people do not have examples beyond the simple examples that come with HElib today. Even for those who cannot follow the mathematics, the examples are there to run and experience. We packaged some more interesting toy examples than the ones shipped with HElib, and included the ML helper library in this release that is not available in the HElib base. I would say we provided more than amateur docker files here. We also took the time to include a built-in pre-configured editor, ready to build and run those new examples to make it as easy as possible to see the technology is real and not just cheap talk.  I am sorry for responding in English,  but I cannot speak Russian. Thank you to the community here, and yourself for the interest and discussion.
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