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Поступили в продажу первые игровые консоли на базе SteamOS, opennews (??), 12-Ноя-15, (0) [смотреть все] +1

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173. "Поступили в продажу первые игровые консоли на базе SteamOS"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 14-Ноя-15, 02:47 
The site opted to use Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Metro: Last Light Redux for its testing, because they're graphically demanding, have built-in benchmarks, and unlike a lot of newer releases, have both been ported to SteamOS. In both cases, Windows 10 outperformed SteamOS by a considerable margin: Shadow of Mordor at Ultra settings, for instance, ran at a playable 34.5 average FPS under Windows 10, but managed only 14.6 FPS on SteamOS.

Similar results came out of Valve's own Source-powered games: Portal, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Dota 2, at 2560x1600 resolution and "maxed out settings," ran significantly better under Windows 10 than Steam OS. This is even more telling than the other results, since, as Ars Technica noted, Valve is the one studio that should be able to wring the maximum performance out of this operating system.

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176. "Поступили в продажу первые игровые консоли на базе SteamOS"  +/
Сообщение от Stax (ok), 15-Ноя-15, 13:51 
Ссылку бы сразу дал.
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