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mint (1)
  • >> mint (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         mint - Produce syntax and usage report of a Maple program
         mint [ -a databaseFile ] [ -A databaseFile ] [ -b libraryDir
         ]  [ -d databaseFile ] [ -D macroDef ] [ -i infoLevel ] [ -I
         includePath ] [ -l -o outputFile ] [-q -s -S -t  errorNumber
         ] [ -U macroName ] [ -w width ] [ -x file ]
         Mint analyzes a Maple program, and produces a  report  about
         possible  errors  in  a  Maple  source  file. If file is not
         given, then the standard input is used to read Maple  source
         statements.  Unlike  Maple,  Mint does not terminate when it
         reads a quit  statement.  Instead,  it  terminates  when  it
         reaches the end of the input.
         -b libraryDir
              The library specification option (-b libraryDir) forces
              Mint  to look in the library file located in the speci-
              fied directory for library routines.
         -D   The -D (Define) option is used to predefine a macro for
              Maple's  preprocessor,  $define.  The  -D option can be
              followed by either a symbol or a  symbol,  equal  sign,
              and  the  definition of the symbol. Multiple -D options
              can be used to define multiple symbols.
         -i infolevel
              The info level  option  (-i  infoLevel)  specifies  the
              amount  of  information  to  be  produced.  The  values
              allowed for infoLevel are:
         0    Display no information
         1    Display only severe errors
         2    Display severe and serious errors (default)
         3    Display warnings as well as severe and serious errors
         4    Give a  full  report  on  variable  usage  as  well  as
              displaying errors and warnings
         A severe error is an undisputable error,  such  as  a  break
         statement  outside  of  any  loop. A serious error is almost
         certainly a coding error, such as two nested loops using the
         same control variable, or code appearing immediately after a
         return statement. Warnings indicate possible coding  errors,
         such  as using an equation as a stand- alone statement (sug-
         gesting that an assignment was probably intended).
         A report is displayed for each procedure in the file. A glo-
         bal  report,  for  statements  not contained within any pro-
         cedure, is displayed after the  procedure  reports.  If  the
         severity  of  errors  found  within a procedure is less than
         what the info level specifies, then no  report  is  produced
         for  that  procedure.  In  all  cases, the most severe error
         found in the file will be used to set the  exit  status  for
         Mint. The possible values exit status values are:
         0    No errors or warnings
         1    Warnings
         2    Serious errors
         3    Severe errors
         With an infoLevel of 0, Mint will  produce  no  output,  but
         will  quietly  return  an exit status indicating the highest
         severity of error encountered.
         If infoLevel is 4, a usage report is  given  for  each  pro-
         cedure  as  well  as global statements within the file. Each
         usage report shows how parameters, local  variables,  global
         variables,  system-defined  names  and  catenated  names are
         used. For example:
              Used as a value
              Used as a table or list element
              Used as a call-by-value parameter
              Used as a call-by-name parameter (a quoted parameter)
              Called as a function
              Assigned a procedure
              Assigned a list
              Assigned a set
              Assigned a range
              Assigned a value as a table or list element
              Assigned  a  function  value   (assigned   a  value  to
              remember as a function value)
         In addition, a list of all the error messages generated,  is
         -I   The -I (Include) option  specifies  directories  to  be
              searched  for  files  specified in $include directives.
              Multiple directories can  be  specified,  separated  by
              commas.  Alternatively, multiple -I options can be used
              to specify multiple directories.
         -l   The library file option (-l)  suppresses  warnings  and
              errors that are commonly caused by Maple library source
              The use of global names beginning  with  an  underscore
              ("_")  is  not  reported, since such names are reserved
              for use by the Maple library.
              Warnings about the assignment of values to the  system-
              defined  names,  such  as  Digits  and  printlevel, are
              suppressed since this often happens in a library file.
              This option also suppresses  error  messages  regarding
              library  file  names being overwritten since one of the
              purposes of a library file is to assign a procedure  to
              a library file name.
         -o fileName
              The output optin (-o fileName) specifies that  Mint  is
              to  write  its report to the specified file, instead of
              the standard output. This is often useful when Mint  is
              used  as  part  of  script, or on platforms which don't
              have a concept of standard output.
         -q   The quiet option (-q) suppresses printing of the  Maple
              logo at startup.
         -s   The suppress startup file option (-s)  forces  Mint  to
              run  without  reading  the  Mint startup file. The Mint
              startup file  can  be  used  to  specify  command  line
              options  to  Mint.  This file can contain several lines
              containing command line options  or  arguments  as  you
              would  type  them  on  a command line. Since Mint first
              reads the file and then scans the command  line,  argu-
              ments on the actual command line can override arguments
              in the initialization file. A good use of the initiali-
              zation  file  may  be  to  enter  the name of the Maple
              library procedure  database  file  when  using  the  -d
              option,  eliminating  the  need  to type this each time
              Mint is used.
              The Mint startup file is called .mintrc  under UNIX.
         -S   The Syntax checking only option (-S) overrides the info
              level  specification, and allows only syntax error mes-
              sages to appear in the output.
         -t errorNumber
              The toggle error reporting option (-t errorNumber) will
              switch  between  reporting  and not reporting errors of
              the  given  type  number.   The   error   numbers   and
              corresponding error messages are:
              Severe errors - return code 3
         0    "The following statements are not inside any loop:"
              Indicates that a break or next statement  has  appeared
              outside of a loop.
         1    "The following  statements  are  not  inside  any  pro-
              Indicates  that  an  error  or  return  statement   has
              appeared outside of a procedure.
         2    "These names were declared more than once  as  a  local
              Indicates  that  the  same  local  variable  has   been
              declared  more  than once in a procedure's local state-
         3    "These names appeared more than once in  the  parameter
              Indicates that the same  parameter  has  been  declared
              more than once in a procedure's parameter list.
         4    "These names were declared as both a local variable and
              a parameter:"
              Indicates that a procedure has a  parameter  and  local
              variable with the same name.
         5    "Invalid left hand side of assignment:"
              Indicates that an invalid expression  (e.g.  a  set,  a
              sum,  etc.) appears on the left hand side of an assign-
              Serious errors - return code 2
         6    "These names were used as the same  loop  variable  for
              nested loops:"
              Indicates that an inner loop uses the same loop control
              variable as an outer loop.
         7    "There is unreachable code  that  will  never  be  exe-
              Indicates that a statement occurs immediately  after  a
              break,  next, return, or error statement. Such a state-
              ment can never be reached during the course  of  execu-
         8    "These names were used as iteration  control  variables
              for both a $, sum, or product construct and a loop:"
              Indicates that a construct such as seq, add, or $  uses
              the same control variable as an enclosing loop.
         9    "These names were used as global  names  but  were  not
              Indicates that a procedure makes  use  of  some  global
              names, but has not declared them as such.
         10   "Underscore names are reserved for use in the  library.
              These global names start with _:"
              Indicates use of  a  global  name  beginning  with  the
              underscore ("_") character. Such names are reserved for
              use by Maple's supplied library.
         11   "These local variables were never used:"
              Indicates that the local variables were  declared,  but
              never  used within the procedure. Removing the declara-
              tions can marginally  improve  performance  and  reduce
              memory usage.
         12   "These local variables were used but never  assigned  a
              Indicates that a local variable's value was  used,  but
              that  no  value  was  ever assigned to it, suggesting a
              coding error.
         13   "These local variables were assigned a value but other-
              wise not used:"
              Indicates that a value was assigned to  a  local  vari-
              able,  but that this variable was then never used, sug-
              gesting a coding error.
         14   "These parameters were never used:"
              Indicates that the specified parameters of a  procedure
              were never actually referred to by name within the pro-
         15   "These names defined in a macro or alias statement were
              assigned a value:
              Indicates that a  value  that  has  a  macro  expansion
              appears  on the right hand side of an assignment, mean-
              ing that the object being assigned to is  not  what  it
              appears to be.
         16   "These parameters were also  used  as  macro  or  alias
              Indicates that a  procedure  parameter  name  conflicts
              with a macro or alias name.
         17   "These local variables were also used as macro or alias
              Indicates that a procedure's local variable  name  con-
              flicts with a macro or alias name.
         18   "These macro or alias names were expanded to a non-name
              where a name was needed:"
              Indicates that a macro or alias that expands  to  some-
              thing other than a name has appeared in a context where
              a name is required.
         19   "Possible implied multiplication:"
              Indicates that an expression such as  2(x+1)  has  been
              encountered.  In  Maple, this means "apply the constant
              function 2 to the argument x+1",  not  "multiply  2  by
         20   "Quotes   are   not   needed   around   these   names:"
              .IP  Indicates  that a name was written with backquotes
              (``) when such quotes were redundant.
         21   "These local variables were not declared explicitly:"
              Indicates local variables that were implicitly declared
              (Maple  declares  as local any variables that are unde-
              clared, and appear on the left hand side of an  assign-
              ment or as the control variable of a loop).
              Warnings - return code 1
         22   "The following function calls disagree with  number  of
              parameters in the function definition:"
              Indicates that a function was  called  with  the  wrong
              number of arguments based on the information given in a
              library database.
         23   "These library names were assigned a value:"
              Indicates that a name appearing in a  library  database
              was assigned to.
         24   "These system defined names were assigned a value:"
         25   "These system defined names were redefined in  a  macro
              or alias statement:"
              Indicates that a  system-defined  name  (e.g.  Pi)  was
              assigned to.
         26   "These catenated names were used:"
              Indicates that the concatenation operator (||) was used
              to create a name.
         27   "These parameters or local variables  are  also  system
              defined names:"
              Indicates that a parameter or local  variable  hides  a
              system defined name from use inside a procedure.
         28   "These names defined in a macro or alias statement were
              Indicates that a pre-defined macro or  alias  has  been
         29   "Control variable of seq, add, or mul not referenced in
              Indicates that the body expression of a  seq,  add,  or
              mul call is not a function of the control variable.
         30   "Equations were used as  statements  on  the  following
              Indicates that an equation (e.g. a=b) occurs by  itself
              as  a  statement,  suggesting that an assignment (a:=b)
              might have been intended instead.
         31   "These parameters were never used explicitly:"
              Indicates that a named formal parameter of a  procedure
              is  never  actually  used  within  the body of the pro-
         -U   The -U (Undefine) option is used to  undefine  a  Maple
              preprocessor macro ($undef) that was defined earlier on
              the command line by a -D option. The -U option must  be
              followed by the symbol to undefine. Multiple -U options
              can be used to undefine multiple symbols.
         -w width
              The width option (-w width) specifies the  line  width,
              in  characters, to which Mint should format its report.
              The default is 79 characters. The minimum is 40 charac-
         -x   The cross-reference option  (-x)  lists  all  functions
              called in the code.
         Procedure databases  are  files  which  contain  information
         about the definition of procedures which is useful in ensur-
         ing that these procedures are used correctly. Each line in a
         database file contains the following:
              <name>  <minArgs>  <maxArgs>  <nargsUsed>  <fileName>
         where <name> is a legal  Maple  name  without  any  embedded
         blanks,   <minArgs>  is  the  minimum  number  of  arguments
         expected for name, <maxArgs> is the maximum number of  argu-
         ments,  <nargsUsed>  is  1 if nargs is used in the procedure
         body  and  0  otherwise.  The  last  field,  <fileName>,  is
         optional,  and  is  the  name  of the library source file in
         which name is defined. The entries on each line are in  free
         format  but  must  be separated from one another by at least
         one space character. The values for <minArgs> and  <maxArgs>
         should be numbers in the range 0 to 999. If <maxArgs> is 999
         for an entry, that denotes that the procedure has  no  upper
         limit  on  the  number  of  arguments. There may be multiple
         entries for a particular procedure. Later entries  supersede
         earlier ones.
         A procedure database file for the entire  Maple  library  is
         generated    or   updated   periodically.   This   file   is
         "/usr/maple/data/mint.db" and contains over 4000 entries and
         it takes Mint several seconds to read this file.
         The database file options (-a databaseFile or  -A  database-
         File) append procedure information to the specified database
         file. Any procedures defined in the  input  file  will  have
         their   definitions  appended  to  the  database  file.  The
         <minArgs> and <maxArgs> values will both be  the  number  of
         format parameters that appear in the procedure definition.
         If the -A option was specified, the use of args or nargs  in
         a  procedure  body  sets  the  <nargsUsed> field to 1 in the
         database entry, which will turn off argument count  checking
         for  that  procedure.  If  the -a option was specified, pro-
         cedures that use args or nargs are not written to the  data-
         base  at  all,  and  the <fileName> field of the database is
         also not written.
         The library database option (-d databaseFile) forces Mint to
         use  the  specified  library database as the procedure data-
         base. This allows Mint to check for improper  usage  of  the
         procedures in the input file. Multiple library databases can
         be specified.
         Other Maple related commands:
         maple, updtsrc

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